Our History
The history of our pharmacy is bond to the history of our founder. Enriqueta Alonso inaugurated this pharmacy on 25 July 1975. At this time the pharmacy was surrounded by an industrial era, where the food market was located.
25 years later, the pharmacy was reformed on 25 June 2000 so it fits more with its surrounding. Nowadays the food market have been converted on a social centre and a medical centre.
Its founder has been providing pharmaceutical services to the city of Valladolid for 44 years as well as caring for and serving each of its clients on the first day. The pharmacy and her entire team want to continue promoting your health for many more years.
Our team

Nuestra Filosofía
En la Farmacia de Enriqueta nos preocupamos por estar a la última en los servicios que le prestamos. Contamos con personal altamente cualificado y en continua formación. Nuestro objetivo es que nuestros clientes sientan que les acompañamos en todo lo que tiene que ver con el cuidado de su salud y bienestar.
Contamos con un amplio stock de productos por lo que podemos asesorarte y guiarte en tus tratamientos. Te acompañamos y solucionamos las dudas que tengas. Estamos para lo que necesites.